Panic Alarm System

Panic Alarm System

The purpose of a panic alarm is to allow a person under duress to quickly and silently call for help in the event of an emergency. Panic alarms are also called “duress alarms”, “hold-up alarms”, or “panic buttons”.
Panic alarms are used when it may be unsafe or uncomfortable to call for help in other ways. For example, if a belligerent person is standing in your lobby, it may be unwise to further escalate the situation by picking up a phone to call for assistance. A panic alarm can provide a quick and convenient way to summon help without drawing attention.

The panic button is the device that the person activates when he or she needs help. There are many styles of panic buttons available. These can have a single pushbutton, two pushbuttons that must be pressed simultaneously, devices that must be squeezed, and devices that are activated by a foot or knee. There are also devices that can be covertly activated when cash or a product is removed at the request of a robber. Most panic buttons are specifically designed to resist accidental activation.

My Security feels that almost every business can benefit from the use of panic alarms. Places where panic alarms may be particularly beneficial include:

  • Receptionist’s desks in building lobbies.
  • Security stations and checkpoints.
  • Shipping/receiving areas.
  • Customer service counters.
  • Check-out counters and cashier’s stations.
  • Rooms where cash or other valuables are received, processed, or stored.
  • Interview rooms in Human Resources department.
  • Executive office suites.
  • Places where confrontations with the public are likely to occur.